Beyond Beta Accelerator batch #7

Ready, set, scale.

By joining the program, you get the chance to go through a unique process of simultaneous learning, networking, and executing your business plan. 


Basic criteria for application:

  • Have a Danish CVR Number which is maximum 3 years old at the time you apply.
  • Ideally have onboarded your first users or customers, or at least an MVP that can be launched within the duration of the program.
  • Have a scalable business model and address a growing, international market.
  • Have a committed founder team

Your application will be evalualed by three experienced mentors and business developers. Your application will be evaluated based on whether the market is attractive, the problem addressed by your product or service is big enough, your team is competitive, the competition is favorable, and whether your startup is scalable and rapid growth is likely.

Help for your application:

  • First fill out general information about you and your startup
  • Then fill out all the sections and questions about your business model and scalability
  • Upload a pitch-deck in the end of the application (either pdf or ppt)

Would you like sparring on your application before sending it in?

Please contact, and we will match you with a relevant mentor.


What happens after sending your application to us?

Once you have submitted your application, you can expect the following proces:

Scheduled activities

12.30 - 16.00
Beyond Beta Batch 7 Kick-off
12.30 - 16.00
Ferdinand Kontorhotel, Rahbeks Alle 21, 1801 Copenhagen


Registration is closed

Contact person

Anne Neerup Handlos

Program Manager
Erhvervshus Hovedstaden S/I